This week I redid our lighting set up based on mentor feedback. Dramatically simplifying the lighting and focusing on grounding the lighting in realism has improved the look tremendously.
Goals for next week
My goals for next week is to do any last minute lighting adjustments based off of feedback from the mentors and find solutions for
For the lighting set up I decided to go for a light that emulated a real world scenario as recommended by the mentors. I use a strong key area light and a very low HDRI fill light to create a soft but high contrast lighting setup. I modeled geometry to help it seem like the light was bouncing in from a window.

Render Noise

The Global Illuminance sampling system is what is giving us our rendering issues. There are a couple solutions we are working on, the main solution is swapping our GI secondary engine from the point cloud based surface calculation to brute forced ray tracing which will eliminate the flickering but creates more noise and increases render time. There are potential ways to increase rendering samples for the point cloud based system and even switching the primary GI engine to point cloud.