
Bottle Look Dev

This week I focused on refining the crystal of the bottle, focusing on clean, accurate refraction. By fine tuning the IOR of the shader and experimenting with liquid volumes inside the bottle, I was able to achieve a higher degree of realism.

Crystal Settings

Flower Look Dev

One of the biggest challenges this week was modifying my procedural flower shaders to fit the look of the simulations given to me by the FX team. A large part of this project relies on variation in the instances of elements, and procedural shaders will streamline this process immensely. The leaf shader is created using procedural uv manipulation to create masks for details.

Experimental leaf veins
Leaf Alpha test

Flower Look Dev

The shader for the rose is focused on creating a delicate and elegant flower that will appear graceful and refined in the effects. The petal colors are created with a combination of uv math and noise, the subsurface and transparency is kept subtle yet apparent.

The shader for the chrysanthimum is slightly more robust and bold than the rose but still focused on the flowery feel. Displacement drives the micro ridges on the petals which blends well with the overall curvature of the mesh.