Custom Arnold pyro shading
We are rendering the volumes for our project in Arnold which gives a great look and quality to the volumes but our FX team loses the advantages of the Pyro…
We are rendering the volumes for our project in Arnold which gives a great look and quality to the volumes but our FX team loses the advantages of the Pyro…
In order to allow for more control and reduce simulation memory footprint I am creating the color volume pyro effects outside of the main simulation setups. This optimized my main…
Shout out to my cool teammates on Rider for forcing me to be a good programmer and write some documentation. Starting jantrack Add a shot Add an asset Add a…
Progress: To DO:
Over break I spent a lot of time developing the pipeline of our project. Jantrack has turned into such a fun project to develop. The goal was to have a…
This week I worked on FX previs and shot design for the two finish line shots as well as putting together our pitch presentation.
Proof of concept dust trail I have been experimenting with FX develpment for racing shots. The sheer magnitude of racing and dust trailing shots that we will need for this…
I have begun UI development for Jant Track. Using PyInstaller and PyQT5 to create a My previs shot involved a fluid simulation of nitro canisters sinking into fuel. The shot…