Shot 05

Iteration 1

The first iteration of the shot 5 dust trailing. For this iteration I mainly focused on getting as much resolution and minimizing the voxel tiling of the simulation.

Cache Time per wheel: 5 hours 30 min

This set up produced a dust with too much buoyancy , temperature, and high frequency noise.

Iteration 2

Iteration one definitely needed a lot of work but it gave me a good idea of what needed to be adjusted. In my second iteration, I reduced the temperature and buoyancy and reduced disturbance and adjusted the density.

Cache time per wheel: 3 hours 20 minutes

I used one of my custom particle shelf tools to create trailing displacement and noised flow in my source particles.

Using a copy sop to create instances of my particle system and then using the copynum attribute to displace the instances along velocity, I am able to create a sourcing system that provides better density and detail without increasing or adjusting the particles in the source sim.

I made some major changes to my sim set up to steer the look development away from the hyper chaotic whispy and hot dust that was too smoke like. Using a gas dissipate node and heat and velocity control fields on my disturbance and turbulence allowed me to reign in the motion but maintain the detail. I reduced the buoyancy and increased cooling and temperature diffusion to help with the dissipation and to reduce the rising.

Shot 06

In response to David’s notes on the shot 06 dust trail, I adjusted the velocity injection to remove some of the streaming in the center that was occurring.

I switched the sim to sparse solving and reduced the amount of injected velocity. I added a gas dissipate and a gas wind to help with the dissipation. and drifting of the dust.

Shader adjustments

A lot of my solutions for voxel tiling came from just having a better understanding of pyro shading and density mapping.

By ensuring that my density stayed in a 0-1 range and then adjusting the look in the shader, I was able to achieve a smoother cleaner look with less voxels.


  • Continue developing the secondary elements for shot 05 *STRETCH GOAL
  • Refine shot 05 main wheel dust
  • Assist team in whatever needs to be done to get the project over the finish line