For FX this week I focused on the dust trail from shot 6. I was focused on understanding pyro and gas microsolvers.

Test Frame

The simulation is set up with a pop sim from the wheels serving as the smoke source.

Velocity is extracted from spinning points scattered on to wheels and point deformed to wheel position to avoid adding translate velocity to the points. I may experiment with a velocity attribute copy or lerp to see if I can simplify this kind of annoying process.

Cache Time: 2 min

Substeps: 3

Cache Size: 28 MB

POP sim that is sourcing and adding to velocity from the wheels as well as killing particles on contact with the ground. TO DO: Experiment with adding a popwind to create a cross wind that will aid smoke dissipation.

Cache Time: 6 minutes

Substeps: 1

Cache Size: 1.8 GB

Smoke Object Resolution: .07 (37,500,00 voxels)

Smoke Sim that sources smoke from the popsim using gas particle to field. The majority of the smoke look is currently coming from the particle motion and a turbulence. I want to experiment more with the micro solvers and gas dop nodes to fine tune my control. Also I want to test the look of a combining a denser heavier pyro low to the ground and a sparser pyro that will dissipate more quickly above it to simulate the different dirt densities. TO DO: Modify set up for shots 2 and 5. Fine tune density (Experiment with volume wrangle remapping). Refine the dissipation of lighter dust particles.

RS volume shader: Will be fine tuned once I receive lighting rigs from Lighting.