This week I worked on shot 2 FX and Animation.
My dust trail set up is very similar to the one in shot 6, I added multi resolution turbulence and disturbance to increase detail for the up close shot. The speed at which the animation was traveling lead to a lot of issues I think I will slow it down in Maya. The motion blur is also incorrect to physically accurate.
I am using a pop simulation for the dirt. I am using a pop interact with a negative force to create some clumping and a more interesting shape.
# Farm Push shelf tool
# Zach Jantz
# Shelf tool that pushes a file and only its existing referenced dependencies to our farm network drive
import os
import subprocess
STUDENT_HOME = os.path.expanduser("~")
PROJECT_ROOT = os.environ["HIP"]
def mirror_structure(source, destination):
Copy a houdini project directory structure to the farm folder
sub_directories = [f[0] for f in os.walk(source)]
if os.path.isdir(destination) is False:
for dir in sub_directories:
rel_path = os.path.relpath(dir, source)
destination_path = os.path.join(destination,rel_path)
if os.path.isdir(destination_path) is False:
def get_dependencies(source):
Return a list of all external file dependencies
file_dependencies = [f[1] for f in hou.fileReferences() if os.path.isfile(f[1])]
for file_path in file_dependencies:
return file_dependencies
I am creating a series of custom shelf tools for our time to speed line our rendering pipeline