I set up a rigid body simulation for the wing tearing off of the pane as it falls.


  • I peak the wing to create a geometry that is double sided
  • This creates the hollow interior of the wing when fractured

Active and Deforming attributes

  • The fractured geo is point deformed to the animated plane.
  • In order to have the planes wing follow the animation until it is destroyed, the wing is imported as a deforming active object.
  • The active attribute is animated with an attribute transfer on the top level.
  • Then the deforming attribute is set to 1 – @active so that it is disabled when active is on.


Collision Volumes

  • A lot of the time just using vdb from polygons can create volumes that are not ideal for collisions because they are not airtight and filled entirely.
  • Scatter points on your geometry and convert the points to vdb.
  • If your geometry is moving freeze frame it at the start and use an attribute interpolate to deform the scattered points (enable source prim and source prim uv attributes on the scatter node and the attribute interpolate node will do the rest). This ensures that points stay the same throughout volumizing (doesn’t change too much, mild performance boost when caching collider).
  • Convert the vdb to a mesh.
  • Convert the mesh back to vdb once again to ensure a collider with zero gaps (increase exterior band voxels and fill the interior of the vdb for better simulation collisions).